Something to tell about F1

Maybe you are wondering about this page you have reached. We do not blame you so we are going to tell you a few things about this site and why we are here.  First, this webpage has been created by a few motorsport fans from Asturias, a little green (and rainy) land in the north of Spain with a strong tradition in motorsport. We are not alone here at and, actually, some people born around have had some kind of contact with the Formula One paddock, even great success on track… because this is the homeland of people such as double world champion Fernando Alonso and former GP2 and WTCC driver Javi Villa.

Now that we have introduced ourselves, some questions might come up. For example, what’s the point of this site? Well, we intend to bring F1 in particular and motorsport in general closer to Asturian fans using their own language, in every sense. We want to use this public site to express our views from a fan point of view too and, being aware of this to be a global sport, we thought that the best way of not being put aside was writing about it using our own language. We will also use English from now on to share our opinions and worries with the rest of the world.

We think that fans have been moved to a passive place in the “pinnacle of motorsport” and the future needs us to be heard as some challenges and huge changes are coming. So…these are our two pennies and our tiny contribution to that. There are enough and great professionals working to bring us media and news from a journalist point of view. We do not want to emulate them, we are just fans and we love it.

However, motorsport is not only Formula One but also rallye, karts…and we will try to bring some information from those taking place around us. We are aware that this is a lot of work, but little by little…

To finish this introduction and for those who have just discovered the existence of Asturian, we can say it is a Roman language spoken by roughly 200,000 people in Asturias. It is not a big number, but it is enough for those who enjoy diversity. You can see Wikipedia for more information about it.